Ivana, Igor, and the Dragon
A wicked witch has summoned a fearsome, fire-breathing dragon. Find Prince Igor, who lives in the West, and defeat the dragon.
arrows or WASD: move
space: search/open/interact
s: cast spell (requires mana from mushrooms)
Prince Igor looks at the dragon and says: “Dragon! I am a man of God! I will not harm you. But you must cease attacking our village!”
The dragon looks at Prince Igor and states: “Prince Igor, forgive me! I was under a spell of the wicked witch. Now, I see how wrong I was. No more will I destroy!”
Ivana and Prince Igor befriend the dragon. Prince Igor falls in love with Ivana and marries her. For their honeymoon, they both mount the dragon and fly in the sky.
The door is locked.
You have found a key.
The End